Seasons of Service


Arbor Day ~ Tributes to Trees

What better way to beat the Holiday Gimmees and observe Red Letter Days than to practice good deeds? Here's a way to discover the true meaning of holidays and heroes. Please join us in celebrating the following Season of Service.

In 1872, J. Sterling Morton urged settlers in the Prairie State of Nebraska to plant trees for shade, shelter, fruit, fuel, and beauty. Ten years later, schools nationwide celebrated Arbor Day on the fourth Friday in April. Now, students from every state set aside a spring day to praise, plant, and pay tribute to trees. Here are some ideas where young people can learn about trees while serving community.

State Dates Research when your state observes Arbor Day. Arrange with local officials to plant a state tree honoring veterans.


Tree Time Line Log on to the National Arbor Day Foundation's Majestic Trees Time Line. Investigate history of area trees. Make local tree time line for the library.


Tree Trail Identify and map trees surrounding school. Name them and include tree locations and characteristics on laminated maps. Post in sheltered areas near school entrances.


Tree-rific Hold a school wide Arbor Day Poster Contest. Send selected entries to National Arbor Day poster contest.


Poem as Lovely as a Read and write poems about trees. Share them at a PoeTree Reading for seniors.


Tree Savers Organize schoolwide recycling campaign. Supplement with EPA ~ Environmental Paper Activities.


Native Roots Research and collect native plants. Collect their seeds. Grow them in class. Transplant when ready.


Green Partners Join local organizations that welcome youth. Work together on community plantings, streambed rehabilitation, clean-up campaigns.


Tree City Find out how your community can become a Tree City. Order a Free Tree City USA Booklet.


More Web Sites about Trees

This Season of Service page is brought to you by:
Alison Hramiec
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