Big Hearts, Little Hands Reach for Peace

  Big Picture
"No Dream’s too big. Reach for Peace." Inspired by this motto, children study the life of Louis D. Brown, a local victim of gang violence. They learn about historical and real life role models and use technology tools to encourage young and old community members to preach and practice peace.

Art, Language Arts, Math,
Social Studies, Technology
Grades 1-5

Students read and retell the true story of Louis D. Brown, a teenager who was the innocent victim of a deadly gang shoot-out. They also study and role play the lives of famous peacemakers and identify and interview local community leaders. Key to the project is learning the vocabulary of peacemakers. Introduced to word processing fundamentals, the class works together to publish a "Peacemakers ABC" book. Share this book with other children. List conflict resolution rules on banners and posters. Distribute the message throughout school. Culminating activities include organizing a clothing and food drive for victims of domestic violence and participating in the Citywide Mothers Walk for Peace.
Vera Johnson

Teacher Profile

Vera, now principal at the Endicott Elementary School, taught grade one at Joyce Kilmer Elementary School and was a BPS English Language Arts Standards Facilitator, Lead Teacher, and MetroLINC Technology Pioneer. She also is board member of the Boston Women’s Heritage Trail and 9th Congressional District Coordinator of the national We The People... The Citizen and The Constitution program.

Books and Materials

Louis D. Brown Peacemakers ABC Kit
, 1997: The Louis D. Brown Social Development Corporation; Fair Bears Learn About Justice 1998: Center for Civic Education; A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr. by David Adler; Angel Child, Dragon Child by Michele M. Surat,
writing and art supplies

Technology Tools

Computers, ClarisWorks or MicrosoftWorks, My City, Student Writing Center, Graph Club, Print Shop Deluxe, Internet


Special #1
ABC Peace Banner

Special #2

We Are Peacemakers ~ Making a Class Anthology

Special #3

Famous Peacemakers ~ Creating a Declaration of Peace


Even young children learn to lift their voices in support of peace. When students share values, concepts, and strategies of non-violent language and behavior, they become valuable allies in creating peaceful communities.