Boston Public Schools
Kathleen Mullin
School to Career/Technical Vocational Education Director
Mullin blends the best practices of vocational education, technology
and School to Career to improve educational experiences for all
students. Certified in over five primary content areas including
special education, administration, and secondary school principalship,
she is a key driver behind Boston's current high school restructuring
and educational reform efforts. Kathi founded Boston's nationally
recognized STRIVE Program, a transition program for students with
disabilities. Recipient of the Henry L. Shattuck Award for Excellence
in Public Service, the Innovations in Education Award, Boston Private
Industry Council Achiever Award, and the City Excellence Award Innovations
in Education for TechBoston, this dynamic leader is instrumental
in developing TeachBoston that trains BPS high school students to
enter the teaching field. As visiting faculty member at local colleges
and member of Massachusetts Higher Education Advisory Committee,
Kathi recently participated in Harvard University's "Strategic Planning
for Non Profit Managers."
E-Mail contact kmullin@boston.k12.ma.us

Barbara Locurto
IMPACT II @ School to Career Affiliate Director
Barbara Locurto's leadership as teacher and
administrator is defined by major educational reform initiatives.
Thousands of Boston Public School students and teachers salute her
as a mentor dedicated to innovative practices in teaching and learning.
Since 1984, she has developed and directed the Boston IMPACT II
model designed to identify, recognize, reward, and disseminate successful
classroom-based, Teacher-developed programs. Recognized nationally
and locally for her commitment to good citizenship, Barbara has
served as Massachusetts State Coordinator for We the People…, Center
for the Civic Education and Project Coordinator, MetroLINC Teacher
Pioneer, federal Technology Innovation Challenge Grant. Her several
awards include the Henry L. Shattuck Public Service Award, Boston
Municipal Research Bureau; Warren E. Burger Chair Foundation, Exemplary
Civic Leadership, Chairholder; and Freedoms Foundation George Washington
Honor Medal, Constitutional Studies. Recently, Barbara now serves
on the Massachusetts Board of Education Service Learning Advisory
Council. In June, 2001 she received the Moccasin Award from City
Year Boston for her service learning leadership.
E-Mail contact blocurto@gmail.com

Keith Love
IMPACT II @ School to Career Outreach Coordinator
Keith Love remembers middle school as a crucial
transition period. Now, this energetic role model uses his communications
and problem solving strengths to provide technical assistance, training,
and support to middle school students and teachers while linking
them to the appropriate organizations in the community, marketplace,
and industry. Keith's military experience along with his background
as Middle School School to Career/Community Service Coordinator
at the Boston Private Industry Council and Director of Teen as Community
Resources make him the ideal liaison between the real world and
the classroom. Understanding the relationship between professional
development and student achievement, Keith expands on service learning
experiences through project-based activities. He has organized Career
Exploration Workshops, Shadow Days, and Citywide Career Visions
Fair so that middle school students are prepared to follow successful
professional and vocational pathways.
E-Mail Contact klove@oit.boston.k12.ma.us

Margaret Hoyt
IMPACT II @ School to Career New Media Advisor
Margaret Hoyt, Massachusetts Master Teacher,
Boston Lead Teacher and Mentor Teacher, teaches
in the School to Career Media Magnet program at West Roxbury High
School. She designed the Television Production course to integrate
English Language Arts skills with video production and computer
technology. Nationally Board Certified in English Language Arts
for Young Adults, Maggie has participated on the Mellon Foundation
National Faculty, served as a National Teacher Policy Institute
Metropolitan Life Fellow, and has been honored as Boston's Human
Rights "Teacher of the Year." Nurtured by a Cabot Fellowship in
Chile and Peru and a yearlong sabbatical in Mexico, Maggie continues
her role as an agent of change and works with IMPACT II to build
strong Teacher Networks throughout her school, the city, and the
E-Mail contact mhoyt@boston.k12.ma.us
Charlotte McCullough
IMPACT II @ School to Career Web Advisor
Charlotte McCullough is a Vocational Instructor
of Networking and Information Processing at School to Career High
Tech Academy, Madison Park Technical Vocational High School. An
original techie, CharM developed her expertise as programmer for
data processing exchange firms during the dawn of modern computer
technology. Her several certifications as Massachusetts Vocational
Programming and Information Technology teacher, Cisco Networking
Instructor, and Microsoft Word Specialist combine to endow her students
with cutting-edge training plus historical perspective. As the original
HTML creator of the first 120 pages on IMPACT II Boston Web Site,
CharM continues to advise and consult. She is the deserving recipient
of many awards including the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship
(NFTE) Teacher of the Year; Golden Apple Teacher, and Kellogg Service
Learning Grant from Lincoln Filene Center.
E-Mail contact cmccullo@boston.K12.ma.us

Jean Gibran
IMPACT II @ School to Career Project Assistant
Jean Gibran describes herself as a Teacher/Writer
dedicated to describing teachers in and out of the classrooms. Leaving
her third grade at the Joseph J. Hurley Elementary School in 1993,
she admits she was too old for recess but not for research. Several
catalogs, plus hundreds of web pages later, Jean has traded her
chalkboard for an iMac and helps teachers broadcast good news about
themselves and their Service Learning projects. Co-author of the
comprehensive biography Kahlil
Gibran His Life and World, she continues to contribute to several
educational journals. Jean is a Golden Apple Teacher and Business
Week Awardee for Innovative Teaching and has served as Secretary
of the Boston Women's Heritage Trail.
E-Mail Contact Englishjg@aol.com

Andrew Binns
IMPACT II @ School to Career Webmaster
Andrew Binns is a junior at Boston Latin School.
He has been involved in numerous courses through TechBoston. He
has completed a webmaster course and is currently enrolled in TechBoston's
Cisco Networking course. He has also been a teaching assistant for
a webmaster course training BPS teachers. After graduating from
high school, Andrew hopes to attend college on the west coast and
major in the fields of engineering and computer science.
E-Mail contact abinns@techboston.org