To: Charlestown
High School Community As Memorial Day approaches, you may find yourself reflecting on family and friends who are with you in spirit, and whom you have not forgotten, nor ever will forget. It is in this context that we want to give you an overview of The Not Forgotten our Service Learning Project funded by IMPACT II @ School to Career. We designed the project to provide opportunities for students to improve our Charlestown community, specifically Bunker Hill Burying Ground, located, literally in our backyard. This year, regular ed and moderate and severe special ed students have worked together on several activities. They have: researched lives of interred persons; beautified the grounds by removing trash and planting flowers; created poems and art honoring the men, women, and children who were buried on this land more than a century ago. Because The Not Forgotten is a Community project it is important to connect with you - the wider Charlestown High School Community. We invite you to become part of our Memorial Day Tribute. Within a week, students will distribute small ribbons throughout the school to honor and commemorate a loved one. Please imprint the name of your Not Forgotten individual on your ribbon. Return them to the School to Career Center. We will place these momentoes on the Main office Bulletin Board and in the foyer glass cases outside the Keating Auditorium between Memorial Day and Bunker Hill Day. We will also place them on a Not Forgotten banner that will adorn the front gate of the Bunker Hill Burying Ground on June 1- the day of our Not Forgotten Tribute. Participation in our memorial is voluntary, and we hope that as you reflect on this memo, you will join us to remember The Not Forgotten on June 1. Watch for posters & flyers. Thank you! |