Seasons of Service
TEACHBoston I and II
Task Description Sheet
Assignment: Teacher/Administrator Interview
Due Date: ______________

1. Select a teacher/administrator you want to interview.
2. Purpose of the interview is to:
- Develop appropriate, open-ended questions.
- Learn more about your selected teacher/administrator.
- Learn more about a career in education.
- Learn the positives and negatives of a teaching/administration career.
3. Create eight questions to ask teacher/administrator. Peer edit with
TEACHBoston teacher.
4. Word-process questions.
5. Make an appointment with interviewee. Explain purpose of assignment.
6. Schedule interview for no longer than 15 minutes. Record day,
time, and location. Be punctual.
7. At the interview, give the interviewee a copy of your questions.
Listen carefully. Record responses on your question sheet so you'll
remember them.
8. Immediately after interview, write down any observations (body language,
voice inflections, emotions, facial expressions, humor) or impressions.
Record your reactions.
9. Re-write your questions and add interviewee's answers for your final
10. Write a 150-200 word reflective essay about your interview. Include
the following information and answers to these key questions:
Your first paragraph should introduce background
and information on your interviewee. (name, job title, personal description
- appearance, attitude, relationship with you, etc.)
Why did you select this teacher?
What new things did you learn about her/him?
What did you learn about teaching or school administration?
Did you learn more from your interaction or from your
11. Edit essay with a peer and your TEACHBoston teacher.
12. Word-process answers and your essay.
13. Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
14. This final assignment should include:
Cover sheet with TEACHBoston heading.
Paper listing interview questions.
Paper listing interview questions and answers.
Reflection essay.
Picture of the teacher/administrator or visual.
15. The final product (packet) should look professional!
16. Your final product should be submitted on TIME!!
Good Luck. Do the best you can. Read this Task
Description over continuously so you don't overlook any part!! We expect
GREAT work!!
to Mary Ellen Bower