Name: _______________________ Class: ___________ Date: __________
This year the Environmental Science Department is going to host an Earth Day celebration for the school community. We will invite science classes and families to come. Students will present their work (similar to a science fair) as well as to do some creative presentations. Your project and presentation will be worth 20% of your 3rd term grade. You can work as an individual or as part of a group. Awards will be given for the best projects. Here are some examples of what you might do as an individual or as part of a group.
· Make a science fair poster about your experiment and talk about it.
· Make a digital slide show on the computer.
· Make a digital poster about an environmental theme on the computer.
· Write a song, rap or other musical piece on an environmental topic.
· Create a short play about an environmental issue.
· Demonstrate a skill that you learned in class.
· Show your best class work from your agribusiness/Environmental Science class and explain what you learned.
Here is a checklist that you should use to make sure you do every part of this project. It will also serve as a way to grade your work. For each item on the checklist the teacher will give you a 4 for outstanding work, 3 for good work, 2 for needs improvement, 1 for poor/failing and 0 if you didn’t complete the item at all.
_____ 1. Write a description of my project and give it to the teacher?
_____ 2. Get the approval from my teacher for this project?
_____ 3. Collect sufficient background information to make it an educational project?
_____ 4. Use computers or other technology to create my presentation?
_____ 5. Demonstrate creativity?
_____ 6. Work hard on the project?
_____ 7. Make a polished, attractive, professional final project?
_____ 8. Demonstrate understanding of my topic?
_____ 9. Present my project in a professional way?
_____ total score divided by 9 = ________________ . Comments:
Name: _______________________ Class: ___________ Date: __________
1. What is the topic or theme of my project?
2. Who will be in my group or will I do this project alone?
3. What tools, materials and/or computer software and materials will I need to complete this project?
4. What background information will I need to do this project and where will I find this information?
5. How will I present this project (as a play, song, poster, slide show, talk, demonstration, etc.)?
6. What are the steps I need to take to complete this project? For each step, give the date when I will complete that step. The project must be complete by Monday April 9th.
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