Internet Research Pre-Test _______ Have you used the Internet for research
before? [check for "yes"] Do you know about using AND, + , as well as "quotation marks" when trying to narrow the number of web pages that turn up from a search? What is "Google"? What is a URL? Please give an example of a full web address: Do you know how to "cut and paste" from a web document into Microsoft Word? How is it possible to remember, or document, the webpage for information that you find on the Internet? [This is important so that you give proper credit - otherwise it is plagiarism]
The Real Deal: Survey of Health Risks at Brighton High Internet Research: Chlamydia and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) FOLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Go to a "search engine" (such as,
What is HPV? Who gets HPV? What are the
symptoms? How long does it last? |