Guidelines & Rubrics for STD Brochure & Video


Using the available resources, prepare a colorful and interesting brochure about: HOW TO NOT GET>
1) Chlamydia or 2) HPV


10 points Front cover has an interesting image and a title that will get students to read it.

10 points Front cover has a quote that is attributed (who said it?).

10 points All 6 panels contain information and pictures.

15 points Contains information about what it is (virus, or bacteria, what it looks like, where you get it….)

15 points Contains information on how to prevent getting it.

10 points Contains information about how to cure it (or not).

10 points Contains information on what do if you get it.

10 points Contains facts about the prevalence in the country.

5 points Contains other interesting statistics.

5 points Contains an anonymous story from real life.

Anything else you can think of to make it effective. Think in color.


Using the available resources, prepare a brief play about: HOW TO NOT GET
1) Chlamydia or 2) HPV

Use as many actors as you like. It should be at least 5 minutes long.


15 points Contains information about what it is (virus, or bacteria, what
it looks like, where you get it….)

30 points Contains an anonymous story from real life.

15 points Contains information on how to prevent getting it.

10 points Contains information about how to cure it (or not).

10 points Contains information on what do if you get it.

10 points Contains facts about the prevalence in the country.

5 points Contains other interesting statistics.

5 points Contains photographs of the symptoms.

+ Anything else you can think of to make it effective.

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