Parks for Peace Checklist
To see if you deserve a Parks for Peace medal, check each statement that describes your behavior. _______ I always go to the park with a parent, older relative, or babysitter. _______ I read & obey posted signs about dogs, bike riding, hours, etc. _______ I walk away from fights or other rowdy behavior. _______ I make sure to use the trash baskets. _______ I play safely around all playground equipment _______ I treat each blade of grass, leaf, bush & tree with respect. _______ I never speak to strangers. _______ I report suspicious behavior to the adult I'm with or to an officer on duty. _______ I respect the right of everyone to peacefully enjoy the park. _______ I protect myself from the sun and insects. _______ I use caution near the water. _______ I take only pictures & leave only footprints. What kind of Park Buddy are you? 12 checks You deserve a Parks for
Peace medal. |