Dear Parents,


In our classroom we are learning to get along with each other; how to deal with our

feelings; and how to deal with our peer pressure.  These are some of the things we are

learning in our lessons about peace.


We practice these skills through discussions, role-playing, writing, questions, stories

and poetry. Each lesson places a specific skill within the context of real-life situations.

 Hands-on activities allow us to work through, think about, discuss and practice peace


We are working hard to do our best. We are also practicing peace by mentoring second

 grade children We are flying high around peace!  Do you know why? A peaceful place

is powerful for the mind.


                    We hope you listen to your children's stories and songs about peace. We hope your

 family can talk about ways you can promote peace. Please join us in making peaceful

places for all our children.



Ms. Jones and her Peacemakers

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