Interview Questions for Senior Pals

Senior Pal___________________________

These questions can get stories going. You may end up only asking one or two from the list. Or you may choose to ask your own questions. Be sure to ask more about the things that interest you. Say: "Tell me more about that." "How did that happen?" "Why did you do that?" "How much did candy cost?" Ask about the details.

Open-ended Questions

1. What major changes have you seen in the world since you were a child?

Follow-up: Tell me more about that change. What changes have surprised you most? Why?

2. What were you like as a child? As a teenager? A young adult?

Follow-up: Tell me about your school. Tell me about your best friends. Tell me about a time you or someone you know got in trouble. Tell me about your first job. What was different when you were young? What do you miss most about that time?

3. What major changes happened in your own life?

4. What people stand out in your memory, and why?

5. What have you done in your life that was daring? How did it turn out? What have you done that you are most proud of?

6. What funny or strange things have happened to you or your family members? (What kinds of funny things happened when your children were younger?)

7. Can you tell me how one of the following events affected your life: World War I, World War II, The Civil Rights Movement, The Vietnam War, September 11.

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