Assorted recycled material
Pipe cleaners (long and short)
1 poster of insects
Pencils for writing names
White stickers for names
Box tops for storing the finished models
6 bottles of glue
6 pairs of scissors
1 bag of pom-poms
Steps for Grade 5 Student/Teachers
Say, "You will make something beautiful out of recycled material. Does
anyone know what recycled material is?" Wait for responses.
Say, "Recycled materials are things that are no longer useful to the original user. Instead of throwing them away, some companies donate them to the Recycle Center so they can be reused."
Say, "Today, you will decide whether to make a bug or a butterfly from this recycled material."
Demonstrate assembling recycled parts to create an insect. "When you put
together your bug/insect, remember the body parts."
Point to insect poster and say, "Repeat after me, this is the head,
the thorax, the abdomen, six legs, and two pairs of wings. As you put together
the parts, look at the poster and check if the body parts of your insect are
Upon completion, write the student's name and room number on a sticker and
attach to the model. Place the models in the box labeled with their teacher's
name to be distributed to the room after the festival