Ohrenberger Elementary School

Read about some American values. Make sure you understand the underlined words & phrases

American Values

Introduction: Values are the basic principles of the American way of life. These principles describe standards that most Americans share. To be an American, means to defend the following ideals that are rooted deeply in our democratic soul.

1. Individual Freedom: Liberty is the supreme principle of the social contract in America. This cornerstone of democracy represents the foundation of all other principles.

2. Hope and Opportunity: This describes the American dream which is pursuit of happiness as stated in The Declaration of Independence.

3. Rule of Law: The social contract in America is centered on the rule of law as spelled out in The Constitution of the United States. Every individual right is followed by individual responsibility. Amendments to the Constitution show our democracy has grown throughout the years. In America, every person is presumed innocent, unless proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

4. Hard work and the right to an education: The principles of hard work began with the early settlers. Despite their struggles, they ultimately persevered. Hard work is celebrated and rewarded in America. Individuals, no matter their age, race or social condition, have the right to improve themselves through education. This principle implies that everyone has unique talents or gifts that allow them to find jobs and become contributing citizens. Parents must send their children to school everyday. No matter the social or economic condition of a family, the government provides free public school education. Every person deserves a chance in America.

Next: Hints for Writing a Good Persuasive Essay
Ohrenberger Elementary School

Graphic Organizer: Hints for Writing a Good Persuasive Essay #1

Theme/Story Title__________________________________________
Key Question_______________________________________________

A persuasive essay is writing that takes a position on an issue and presents strong arguments for or against the problem.

A good persuasive essay contains four essential parts:

1. Background of Controversy
2. Thesis
3. Supporting Details
4. Conclusion

1. Background of Controversy - State what you know or remember about your theme/story. Tell all you consider relevant to say about the story or the theme. Describe two opposing points of view on the theme or question.   ________________________

2. Thesis - State your personal point of view (POV) on the theme/question. Use a sentence to state this theory.   ________________________

3. Supporting Details - Give examples of knowledge, eventsor quotations from the theme/story. These ideas make your thesis believable. Accurate evidence and strong arguments give your POV more credibility.   ________________________

4. Conclusion - This paragraph summarizes all that you have learned from your reading. It firmly states your position, and it may contain several conclusions.   ________________________

Next: Checking the Four Main Points
Ohrenberger Elementary

Graphic Organizer: How to Write a Good Persuasive Essay #2

Checking the Four Main Points

Background of Controversy

1. Read the key question carefully. Make sure you fully understand it. Gather enough information to grasp different angles of the issue or theme. Go to the Internet, read books, magazines, and newspaper articles. Feed your brains with "info-power".
Check that you are familiar with the 4 W's:

( ) What is this all about?
( ) When does this happen?
( ) Where does this happen?
( ) Who is involved?

2. Why does this happen? Every theme or issue has conflicting or opposite points of view. So, on the left side of a T chart (See below) organize items in favor of the controversy (PRO). On the right side of the T, list elements against the controversy (CON).


3. Clearly state your personal position regarding the theme or key question. In a short sentence explain your thesis without supplying too many details.

Supporting Details

4. Supporting details add meat to the bones of your thesis. They give meaning to your original point about the issue, theme, controversy or question. There are four main ways to convince your audience with evidence:

( ) Present facts.
( ) State previous knowledge or experience.
( ) Paraphrase or restate.
( ) Directly quote numbers, people, or accounts.


5. Write your conclusion or conclusions by stating your final position or word on the issue. One example is to say, "After presenting all the evidence, I am able to conclude that...." In this section of your persuasive essay you can mention a popular saying or fable, something that your grandfather taught you, or a lesson that you learned from your teachers, etc.

Next: the T chart
Ohrenberger Elementary School

Graphic Organizer: How to Write a Good Persuasive Essay #3

Arrange arguments in favor of or against an idea, theme or controversy.

The T Chart

State the idea of debate or issue: ________________________________________

Left Side: In Favor (PRO) Right Side: Against (CON)

Personally, I am in favor ( ) against ( ) the idea because:


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