Strategies for Success
Name: |
Directions for Book
of Heroes Interview
& Formatting Book
In our class we have been discussing what
it means to be a good citizen and what it means to be involved in
public service. We have also been looking at all the different kinds
of heroes in our own neighborhood. Now we are going to begin working
on our major project for this unit. You need to find someone you
know that works in public service and meets our criteria for being
a local hero. You will interview them. Your interview and a picture
of your hero will be included in a class book of heroes. Here are
the steps you must follow. |
Define hero:
#2. Select your hero:
#3. Develop 6 interview questions:
Ask your hero if you can interview them and set up a time.
Ask them if they could have a picture of themselves that we could use
for our book. We will return it.
#6. Conduct interview. Remember to
bring pen and paper to copy down their answers and to ask for their picture.
Don't forget to say thank-you
#7. Type up interview using the template
provided by me.
#8. Have someone in your class review
your final draft before you hand it in. Have them sign here after they
have reviewed it. _______________
#9. Hand in interview, picture and this
check off sheet.
#10. Pat your self on the back for
a job well done.
Next Formatting Book of Heroes
Strategies for Success
Name: |
Book of Heroes'
You need to type up your hero interview before we leave for vacation
on Friday. Here is the specifics detail about the format that we need
to use for the book. |
What you need to start -
Hero's name - ______________________________
Copy of hero's responses to the questions.
Hero's picture.
Your page needs to be laid out neatly.
Our pages should be uniform in their appearance. We will all use -
12 point font
Comic Sans MS Font.
Your picture should be in one of the
four corners with the text wrapping around the picture. Something like
this - -

It should take you one class to type
up so be sure that you get the interview done and are prepared to use
our class time effectively.
You can do this!!!