Seasons of Service
Festival Activities

Learning Festival visitors how to test water for fecal coliform bacteria,
dissolved oxygen or to how conduct a soil pH test, etc.
Here is
a short and fun activity that students can demonstrate:
Many Dust Particles Are in the Air?
is created by natural materials such as soil and pollen as well
as from air pollution such as car exhaust fumes. Too many air
borne particles can cause health problems such as asthma and
find out how much dust is in the air around school you can make
a simple dust collector. Get a microscope slide or plastic sheet
and rub a tiny amount of Vaseline onto the front surface. Walk
around the school or your home for 5-10 minutes with the "dust
collector" facing the front so it will collect the air
born particulates.
the dust collector under a microscope. Place a cover slip or
1 centimeter square of acetate on top of the Vaseline and dust.
Count all of the dust particles that you see under the 1 square
centimeter. See if you can distinguish between the particles
and identify hair, pollen, soil, ash, etc. Compare the dust
from different areas such as in a nearby park and by a roadside.
Which dust collector has the most dust particles? How does the
air quality compare between the collection sites.
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