Everyone loves Earth Day. Students who continue to improve the
environment with meaningful Service Learning can transform a single
day into a lifetime of stewardship. Here are projects and activities
that let young people celebrate Earth Day Every Day.
Educate the
Neighborhood Host an Earth
Day Learning Festival. Share environmental
exhibits, activities, and games
with younger peers, parents, and community leaders.
Focus on Environmental
Health Conduct a survey
on health symptoms and concerns. Follow up with a Community
Environmental Health Fair.
Test the Water
Join the Earth
Day Network "Water for Life" Campaign and Wise
up to Water.
Feed the Birds
Turn a discarded soda bottle into a birdfeeder.
Present it to a local nursing home.
Think Globally
Act Locally Apply recycling guidelines to a venture
capitalist model. Recycle
with EPA ~Entrepreneurial Paper Activities.
Take it to
Court Research a controversial environmental issue.
Present both sides in a mock trial
to other classes.
Grow Gardens
Plant a Community
Garden, a Healing
Garden, a school
Rooftop Garden, or see how a GardenWorks.
Praise the Planet
Publish a newsletter devoted to articles, poems, editorials,
and letters about the environment. Make Public Service Announcements
and perform Earth
Day skits for the school community.