Children imagine dialogues as they read "bed" books by various authors
and create activity cards/mini-books that brighten the lives of ill
children. By contacting a pediatric hospital unit, they learn about
health care and share their experiences with children who are alone
and afraid. |
For more about Special #3 from
Community Portrait in Pictures and Words, e-mail
Alex Lambros Pappas, author
and AT&T Teacher Disseminator. |
Understand and use the writing process effectively.
Employ various formats and technology to complete and enhance
Employ arts to communicate beliefs, experiences, ideas and imagination.
Connect what they read with their experiences and the experiences
of others.
Students develop understanding of enforced bed rest or hospitalization
by reading several related books. For their get well cards, they:
Get ideas from Gwen Diehn's book Making Books that Fly, Fold,
Wrap, etc.
Write their personal messages of encouragement for their mini-books.
Illustrate the contents and the front cover.
Include a fantasy story, jokes or riddles for amusement.
Design word games. puzzles and mazes.
Enclose a packet of crayons and pencil.
Working with a pediatric ward, students identify sick children and
give or send them their activity cards/mini-books. |
Health care providers visit the class, discuss their careers and emphasize
the importance of interacting with patients. Students observe the
roles of health workers at a hospital. |
The Bed Book by Sylvia Plath, 1976: The Trumpet Club; "The
Land of Counterpane" by Robert Louis Stevenson from A Child's Garden
of Verses, 1995:Applewood Books; When Molly Was in the Hospital
by Debbie Duncan, 1994: Rayve Productions; Making Books that Fly,
Fold, Wrap, Hide, Pop-Up, Twist and Turn by Gwen Diehn, 1998:
Random House; art, writing and bookbinding supplies |
Students use Microsoft Word, KidPix and Photoshop for their activity
cards/mini-books. |
Teacher and students review literature for comprehension. Activity
cards/mini-books are evaluated for accuracy and expression. |
Web Sites
Teacher and students research a Collection of Children's Literature
Sources at http://www.library.uiuc.edu/edx/s-home.htm