Boo is for Books
Locate Halloween Books
on line or in library. Create storyboards
that help youngsters follow and identify five elements (setting,
characters, problem, plot, and resolution) of a story. Present
storyboards during Halloween Read Alouds at a school
learning festival or the local library.
Safety Spells Sponsor
a Halloween Safety Poster Contest.
Display results
throughout school and in community storefronts.
Candy Cutback Compare
and contrast candy with nutritional
snacks. Create shopping lists of yummy substitutes. Distribute
shopping lists to families and children's organizations.
Haunted History Look
up the history
of Halloween. Create and conduct Halloween
Memories Survey for family and friends. Share results
with other classrooms. Make sure to leave room and recognition
for folks who don't observe the day.
Parade of Heroes Make
this year's school parade a celebration of patriots
and heroes. Encourage children to make their own costumes
of favorite patriots or community helpers. Schedule parade
at a senior center or neighboring nursing home.
Wise Owl Exchange Start
a correspondence with seniors in nursing or assisted living
homes. Use friendly letter format for reflections about this
second most commercialized national holiday. Ask them to write
UNICEF Initiatives Join
the campaign to Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. This year's efforts
focus on service learning with lots of classroom resources
and materials.
Pumpkin Poetry Hold
a pumpkin poetry reading for hospitalized children. If a hospital
visit is impossible, record a tape of old
favorites and new originals. Snail mail tape and cards
or email poems and messages to local pediatric ward.
Grave Matters Visit
a local cemetery. Identify ornamental plantings and monuments
dedicated to Veterans of American wars. Back in the classroom,
discuss ways to respect
"outdoor museums". Write Public Service Announcements
about zero tolerance for vandalizing hallowed grounds. Share
with local radio and TV stations.
Eco-Friendly Post Halloween
Pick up litter around and throughout
school on the morning after. Make sure to cook
and/or compost all those carved and decorated pumpkins.