Pay Attention To Our Earth!

  Big Picture
Students participate in outdoor, hands-on activities that lead to enhanced environmental awareness and appreciation. They use technology to create web pages, science projects, posters and books which help communicate the value of protecting our natural resources for future generations.

Biology, Environmental Science,
Language Arts, Technology
Grades 10-12

Open-air field studies are successfully
conducted in both urban and rural settings
where students:
  • Gather, press, and identify local plants.
  • Compare seed growth from native and non-native plants.
  • Capture, tag, release, and recapture small animals for wild population estimates.
  • Back in the classroom, they prepare to share findings by illustrating and writing field guides and interviewing relatives about useful plants from their own cultures. Images from computer scanned plant illustrations and pressings appear on web pages, in student made books, posters, and HyperStudio presentations. The resulting multimedia materials educate younger children and community members about preserving the environment.
Gabriell DeBear Paye

Teacher Profile

Gabriell, Returning Peace Corps Volunteer, teaches Biology, Environmental Science and Horticulture at West Roxbury High School. She also coordinates the Plants/Ethnobotany web site for EnviroNet at Simmons College. MetroLINC Technology Pioneer and author for Holt Rinehart and Winston and The New York Botanical Garden, Gabriell has received an Access Excellence Fellowship and Global TeachNet Grant.

Books and Materials

Field Guides, Environmental Science 2000, 2000: Holt Rinehart and Winston; insect trapping nets, plant press, camera, Wite-out, drawing equipment

Technology Tools

Computers, digital camera, scanner, Claris Homepage, HyperStudio, PhotoShop, Internet


Special #1
Stop Invasive Plants Part 1: Finding & Collecting

Special #2

Stop Invasive Plants Part 2: An Experimental Design

Special #3

Stop Invasive Plants Part 3: Educating the Community


Through hands-on study and observation, students become aware of the crucial role living organisms play in providing services like pollination, food, medicine, and oxygen production. By utilizing technology, they organize and design products that educate and inform.