his Contributions Create a Web Page Time
Line of Dr. King's life. Email that and one of his peace
messages to student pen pals in another country. Urge them
to pass it on.
Invite the entire school to drop everything and read about
Dr. King. Make sure older students read to younger non-readers.
the Legacy Arrange a visit to a Senior or Veterans
Center. Record residents' memories of Dr. King and the Civil
Rights Movement. If a visit is impossible, interview grandparents
or school staff. Publish results in school and local newspapers.
his Phrases Research Dr. King's speeches.
Agree that each student begins class with favorite excerpts.
Provide time to reflect. Share oral or written PSA's at school
and home.
his Memory Green Choose a tree symbolizing Dr.
King's message of brotherhood. Invite community members to
participate in a tree planting tribute when weather permits.
his Places Identify, visit, and document local
streets, parks, schools, and memorials dedicated to Dr. King.
Display poems and photographs of sites in a library. No area
dedicated to Dr. King? Lobby for an appropriate choice.
the Man, the Movement and the Message Learn about
the future site of the Washington D.C. Martin
Luther King Jr. Memorial. Organize a schoolwide bake or
rummage sale. Contribute proceeds to the Foundation.
Every Voice Rehearse a selection of Dr. King's
favorite hymns.
Invite young and old to join in a Community Sing Along at
a Neighborhood Center.