Template for Freedom Read
the Mayflower
Compact to learn why it symbolizes our nation's democratic
institutions. Create and distribute a Public Service Announcement
about this document.
Steer Clear of Stereotypes
Ensure that even youngsters learn
about local Native American peoples who live close by.
Help students recognize signs of stereotyping
and celebrate the contributions of contemporary Native Americans
in newsletters or broadsides.
From Horn Books to EBooks Research
Coming to America stories and read
them to younger children. Conduct classroom surveys on how
students, their parents, or ancestors arrived at our shores.
Graph results and post on classroom or school web sites.
Thanksgiving Champion
Write a skit about Sarah
Josepha Hale's campaign to establish Thanksgiving as a
national holiday. Invite family and community members to the
Talking Turkey Discover
how once endangered wild turkeys are making a comeback thanks
to wildlife
management. Make posters of this success story and display
in central school areas or local storefronts.
Amaizing Grain
Look up the history
of corn. Read about a Three
Sisters Garden and plan a spring school garden of corn,
beans, and squash.
Blessings Brainstorm
List how students enjoy the personal
benefits of democracy and freedom. Include results in Thank
You messages emailed to Veterans Centers and Hospitals.
Thanksgiving Cheer Fill
baskets for residents of nursing or assisted living homes.
Arrange to personally deliver
them. Meet seniors and conduct oral histories recalling
Thanksgiving pasts.
Can-Do Food Drive Help
children learn the importance of a healthy diet and how hunger
affects young and old Americans by reading A
Can-Do Thanksgiving and organizing a food
drive. Make sure students understand where their cans
go and how they're used.
Over the River and Through the Woods
Arrange a Thanksgiving sing along for
hospitalized children. If a visit is impossible, record a
tape of old
favorites and new originals. Snail mail tape and cards
or email songs and messages to local pediatric wards.
Hunger Banquet Organize
and hold an Oxfam
Hunger Banquet where students dramatize the "unequal
distribution of resources and wealth in the world."
Help the Homeless Research
& facts about homelessness. Conduct a pennies drive
and donate results to a local homeless shelter. Encourage
and supervise older students to help serve meals at food banks
and shelters.
Changing Times Read
Morton's Day and Samuel
Eaton's Day. Then take a virtual Field Trip to Plimoth
Plantation. Create a mural of Children Then and Now for
the school library.