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special is one of fifteen Service Learning Standards Based Models For more Service Learning activities Connecting Classrooms~Communities~Careers visit bostonteachnet.org or contact Barbara Locurto IMPACT II @ School-to-Career, Boston Public Schools |
Public Safety |
Rules on the Playground English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies Connecting |
is child's play dangerous? Current studies reveal the need for public education on the hazards of faulty playground equipment. That's where high school students step up to the plate and signal ways for children to enjoy safe playgrounds. Internet research identifies government and nonprofit agencies that publish safety tips and checklists. Students personally survey neighborhood playgrounds and pinpoint areas that demand improvement. In a report substantiated by hard facts, students word process and disseminate statistical findings to officials, school communities and youth centers. They also spread the word by designing a safer playground model for a computer slide show presented during parents' night and classroom visits. Observing youngsters' playground behavior, the high schoolers come up with a Play on Playing that demonstrates the right moves around swings, slides and climbing structures. If the nation's playgrounds are striking out, these advocates agree that on a playground, safety rules. |
safety tips, checklists, guidelines, Kids Book on Playground Safety
downloaded from public agency sites Technology research playground safety on the Internet, produce computer slide presentations, word process publications Web Sites KaBOOM; National Program for Playground Safety; Playground Safety Publications Community Partners Boston Schoolyards Initiative, schools & youth centers, municipal parks & recreation department |
Learning Standards | Classroom Activities | Service Activities |
o Research, analyze & evaluate social, environmental challenges through observation, experimentation, research, & application of unifying concepts of science (S) | o
React to news of toddler's death from strangulation on playground equipment o Agree to disseminate playground information to the community o Begin reflections in playground journal |
o Set up appointments with teachers in local pre-school & primary
schools o Present preliminary plan to educate children & parents about playgrounds |
o Understand how humans use technology & design process to respond to & solve natural world problems (S) |
o Search Internet for playground information o Download safety tips, checklists, guidelines & Kids Book from public agency sites o Word process letters & editorials on playground safety & maintenance |
o Visit children at collaborating schools o Read Kids Book on Playground Safety o Distribute checklists for families o Send letters & editorials to school & local newspapers |
Connect study of science & technology to a variety of career opportunities
(S) |
o Visit several community playgrounds o Survey for hazards & surfacing conditions o Invite representative from a respected company to explain materials & standards |
o Share survey results with schools o Develop a plan to regularly inspect targeted playgrounds for hazardous conditions |
Apply knowledge of measurement in the construction of two & three
dimensional figures (M) o Communicate results obtained from research through models & illustrations (S) |
o Assemble information & statistics on optimum playground guidelines
& designs o Use graphic calculator to draw & measure geometric figures representing equipment o Design aspects of safer playground models o Incorporate virtual playground into computer slide show |
o Present findings about local playgrounds to families during parents'
night o Share computer slide show of safer play-ground models o Invite representatives from parks & recreation department to participate o Write letters to the editor about efforts to ensure safe playgrounds |
Collaborate on project that applies learning to educate others |
Continue to observe & reflect on children's playground o Collaborate on a script Play on Playing that demonstrates playground rules |
o Coordinate playground visits with schools during National Playground
Safety Week o Present Play on Playing to children |