Since 1985, Americans have set aside the first Monday through
Sunday in May to publicly acknowledge the enormous range of government
services and to thank the millions of federal, state, county and
local employees who contribute to the quality of our lives. Here
are some ways for young people to reflect on civic responsibilities,
consider public service careers, and pay tribute to our nation's
unsung heroes.
Quotes Feature the words
of famous figures on posters that pay tribute to government
service. Display posters in schools, community centers, and
public buildings.
Table Talk Brainstorm topics
that address government issues. Invite parents and community
leaders to observe or participate.
Service Fair Hold a Service Learning Fair in the
school library. Include career information on folks responsible
for safe and healthy communities.
de Force Contact Town or City Hall officials for
a student visit. Study backgrounds and functions of each department
pre-tour. Be prepared to ask informed questions during tour.
Send Thank You notes post-tour.
of Public Service Mount butcher paper on an interior
wall near school office. Provide markers and invite school
staff, students, and parents to name or illustrate key Public
Servants in their lives.
Time Arrange to talk and read about Community
Helpers with youngsters at a local library or childcare
center. Distribute student made bookmarks celebrating Public
Servants and their roles.
on Stage
View or read about real life problems
and how Public Service helps solve them. Dramatize and present
skits to invited classes.
Organize a School Bake Sale or Car Wash saluting past and
present Armed Forces Members. Donate proceeds to the Red
Cross, or a local homeless Veterans Center.
Sir/Madam Identify a community issue. Address it
in letters to public officials and/or
to editors.