Courage Connection 2 Kids 4 Kids
How can the Internet help adolescents
learn from each other and spread messages of courage and hope? Students
help children cope with extended hospital stays when they give helpful
hints and exchange stories of personal courage. In this model, students
research human body systems on the Internet and discuss the consequences
of disease and/or traumatic injuries. A partnership
with a local hospital reveals important information about health care
centers. Helped by high school mentors, students write and post their
personal stories on their own Courage Connections web page and share information
on careers in health care with the school community.
computer research skills with an Internet
Scavenger Hunt. |
The Max
Warburg Courage Curriculum Site to learn about a boy's battle
with leukemia. |
Internet search on health issues. |
& discuss stories of courage during times of crisis. |
on courage in journals. |
personal stories of courage. |
teams & tasks for web page. |
& create classroom Courage
Connection Web Page. |
Courage Connection Web Page at schoolwide health fair |
Decide to publish stories
of courage on a class designed web page. |
E-mail high school students
plans for web page. |
Continue to record & share
reflections with classmates & hospital contacts. |
Communicate with hospital
contact through snail mail, e-mail & phone. |
Submit essays to high school
mentors & the Max Warburg Courage Curriculum Essay Contest. |
Read reflections & stories
at schoolwide assembly. |
Edit web page with input
from high school mentors. |
Include hospital contacts,
community leaders, high school mentors & family in health fair. |
Invite hospital personnel
to class. |
Interview hospital visitor
on how kids can help hospitalized kids. |
Plan & schedule hospital
field work. |
Preview departments & labs
to be visited. |
During hospital visit,
observe & take notes on staff, equipment & environments (emergency
room, lab, etc.). |
Outline various health
care careers available in hospitals & health care centers. |
Display health care careers
outline in school lobby. |
Standards English Language Arts |
reading with student's experience & the experiences of others. |
& use the writing process effectively with 5-step process of pre-writing,
drafting, revising, peer editing & publishing. |
a variety of formats & utilize technology to complete & enhance work. |
Standards Science |
on an interview with a practicing or applied scientist. |
technologies to obtain, utilize & present information. |
Standards Social Studies |
a variety of historical & social studies source documents & materials. |
historical & social studies research (formulate researchable questions,
use community as a resource, gather information from books & photos.)
School to Career
Competencies |
Develop Communication and
Literacy Skills |
Use Technology |
Complete Entire Activities |
Use Team Skills |
Act Professionally |
Assessment Teachers
and peer editors evaluate results of Internet Scavenger Hunt, written
essays, web page, and web site links during regular student meetings and
teacher conferences.
Software or Materials Used
Books about courageous young people from suggested
list of The Max
Warburg Courage Curriculum Site.
Web Sites For
health care information: A
Guided Tour of the Visible Human ; Bandaides
& Blackboards ; Kids
Health for Kids
Keywords Service
Learning, School to Career, Max Warburg Courage Curriculum, hospitals,
School to Career
Final Words Student-run
and student-centered, this project encourages participants to tell their
own stories, observe how hospitals function, see student work on-line,
and appreciate the power of Internet feedback.
Teacher Tip Sharing
and reflecting on our own life experiences is key. Listening to each other
helps us discover that everybody's story is unique.

Lisa Vasallo
Teacher Bio Lisa Vasallo, bilingual social
studies teacher at the School to Career Timilty Middle School, is a Boston
Public Schools Lead Teacher and a MetroLINC Technology Pioneer. Her honors
include Boston Private Industry Council 1998 Achiever of the Year Award,
Mass. Environmental Affairs Secretary's Award for Excellence in Environmental
Education, James P. Timilty Middle School Pillar of Strength Award, Golden
Apple, and Althea Lindsey Teacher of the Year Award. Top priority for
this teacher activist: encourage students to interact with the community
in powerful and positive ways.
Subject Areas English
Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Technology
Grade Levels 7 - 12
Students Middle & High school students