Students use their knowledge of database technology and conduct a
schoolwide election. Through this real time, real life election simulation,
they learn the meaning of participatory democracy and the value of
voting, as well as sharing that value with others. Elections unite
the school community and motivate students to encourage families and
friends to vote. |
For more about Special #3 from
Database Detectives Discover Democracy, e-mail
Linda Scott, author and AT&T
Teacher Disseminator. |
Understand the political process.
Explore the role technology plays in contemporary society.
Construct, read and interpret data.
Use technology and the writing process to present information
to a variety of audiences.
Represent data using tables and graph.
Students create a Planning List to prepare
for a presidential or a gubernatorial election. Committees take charge
- Registration.
- Mentoring a "little kid" election.
- Educating the community on registration, candidates and platforms.
Follow-up activities include comparing school results
with actual election outcome. Along with contributing to a committee,
each student explores a different demographic issue and presents post-election
findings with computer made charts, table, and/or graphs. |
Launching a schoolwide election lets students understand the election
process. A "little kid" election involves middle schoolers in educating
youngsters about voting. The campaign leads to family and community
dialogue about the rights and responsibilities of voting. |
Committee roles give students opportunities to replicate the work
of many election related careers: voter registration, speech writing,
publicity, policy making, and, of course, running for public office.
Brochures from local Election Department, League of Women Voters material,
campaign literature, periodical and newspaper articles, publishing
materials, disks, printer supplies |
Students use ClarisWorks for word processing publicity, ballots, databases,
and post-election presentations. Computers become voting machines.
Students research election policy on the Internet.
A schoolwide election is perfect for authentic assessments: ex. evaluating
publications on appearance and accuracy; checking results of dissemination;
judging "little kid" mentors by ballot outcome and teacher observation;
marking student post-election graphics, etc.
Web Sites
Students research election resources and government information
at The League of Women