Overview Who was the: earliest woman mathematician - mother of computer programming - woman who influenced modern algebra - first woman to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics? Through the study of mathematicians' lives and the exploration of math careers, students answer these questions and share them with their math buddies. Participants research mathematicians of the past, email famous mathematicians, and interview mentors who use math in their professions. The resulting student-created Virtual Math Museum shows parents, visitors, and the school community that women who count make sense.
Assessment Students complete Exhibit Hall project components for their contributions to the Virtual Math Museum; Students use rubrics generated from project checklist. Students contribute best work for math portfolios and include them in Museum. Teacher checks and evaluates written biographies, interviews, and final computer slide presentation. Software or Materials Used For pictures of exhibit hall mathematicians and documentation of project activities: students use digital camera and Internet images; for examples of best math work from student math portfolios: a scanner; for information about math related careers: Internet & email; for Project/Program Overviews, and Virtual Math Museum computer slide show: Microsoft PowerPoint. For invitations, thank you notes, interviews, biographies, certificates: Microsoft Word. Writing Supplies; Book List for Women Count. Web Sites Web Sites for Women Count Keywords Careers in Mathematics, Mathematics, Mentoring, School to Career, Service Learning, Technology, Virtual Math Museum, Women in Math, Writing Final Words The Women Count project encourages students to improve math and writing skills by showing examples of how people use these skills in their everyday lives. When math mentors share math and writing experiences, they inspire students and spark increased interest in these areas. Learning how others have learned to love subject areas once considered too challenging for young women can motivate and encourage students to reach for their dreams. Teacher Tip It's important to select student coordinators/curators for each section or Exhibit Hall of the Virtual Museum. Each coordinator should be responsible for his/her own design, information input and implementation. It's amazing to watch students work with their peers and to fill the Exhibit Halls with their research and interview information. Added bonus: Students take great pride in making sure the museum opening is a great success. |
![]() E-mail contact
Cheryl Brown-Greene cbrown@boston.k12.ma.us
Teacher Bio Cheryl Brown-Greene is a K-8 Technology and grade 6 Math Teacher at the Mary Lyon School. A lead teacher, technology support teacher and former math facilitator, she has presented and led technology and math related workshops and training at city, state and national levels. Cheryl co-chairs her school's Technology Committee and is a member of its Instructional Leadership Team. She is also a recipient of the Teacher Leadership Award from the National Foundation for the Improvement of Education. Subject Areas Math, Technology, English Language Arts Grade Levels 5 - 8 students tutor younger students Students Inclusive