Quit Smoking - Together
We Can Do It!
Overview How does tobacco threaten the health of both the people who smoke it and the people who involuntarily inhale it? Students utilize the Internet to research smoking and second-hand smoke. In addition to studying its effects and health risks, they examine social, physical, and environmental causes and motivations for smoking as well as statistics (age, gender, ethnicity) related to nicotine addiction. Quit Smoking is the message of student produced brochures and posters distributed throughout school and community youth centers. Presenting a computer slide show during a school learning festival, students personally describe how they have quit and show how smoking adversely affects school achievement and workplace production.
Assessment Students keep note cards on research findings and periodically share with the class. Fact sheets, brochure, and computer slide presentations are peer edited and evaluated by teacher. Software or Materials Used Worksheets, guides, statistics & graphics downloaded from the Internet; videos (Secrets through Smoke, MediaSharp, SLAM, My Kids & more) available from Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Web Sites Web Sites on Smoking; Smoking and Workpace Web Sites Keywords Quit Smoking, Second Hand Smoking, Cancer and Smoking, Health Risks of Smoking. Passive Smoking, Environmental Tobacco Smoke, Smoking and Workplace Final Words This project heightens students' awareness of the hazards of smoking and second-hand smoke. It also prevents adolescents from smoking and equips them to educate and to encourage their peers. Participants learn how to filter Internet resources for reliable information and to organize this information into effective presentations. Teacher Tip When students access high quality materials - videos, pamphlets, fact sheets - from sites like the National Center Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, they understand how crucial Quit Smoking campaigns are to their personal health and the health of the nation. |
E-mail contact Kia Ling Chang kchang@boston.k12.ma.us Teacher Bio Kia Ling Chang teaches chemistry and technology to bilingual students at Charlestown High School. Her ever-expanding computer curriculum currently includes C++, web design, and Cisco Networking. In addition, she works with Liberty Mutual to hold an annual computer programming competition that challenges students to demonstrate skills they've learned throughout the year. For the past two years, Kia Ling has received the Schott Gender Equity Grant and has developed a project aimed at encouraging Chinese girls to pursue opportunities in the field of computer technology. Subject Areas Chemistry & technology Grade Levels 9 -12 Students All students