E-mail contact
Teresa Feeney
Valerie Wong

Teacher Bio
Teresa Feeney is the School to Career (STC) Coordinator at Charlestown High School. She oversees the Upper School pathway classes and supports teachers within that setting. Working closely with bilingual and English as Second Language (ESL) teachers along with Special Education (SPED) and regular education teachers, Teresa acts as liaison to school partners Liberty Mutual Group and The Boston Private Industry Council (PIC). She directs activities in the Career Center and has successfully written grants for school-to-work initiatives. As a veteran teacher skilled in business and computers, she brings a repertoire of real world experience to students and colleagues.

Valerie Wong teaches ESL at Charlestown High School. As a BPS Lead Teacher, she welcomes and mentors newcomers to the profession. Currently, she is developing several ESL curriculum guides that incorporate technology. Her goal is to prepare students for college and successful careers.

Subject Areas
English Language Arts, Health

Grade Levels
10 - 12

Bilingual and ESL students.


Sound Minds in Sound Bodies ~
Spreading the Word


Key Question How can students raise their peers' level of awareness on health care issues?

Overview Are teens aware that their Walkmans can cause permanent hearing loss? Do adolescents really need more sleep than adults? How can young people protect their skin and teeth? High-profile issues of drug abuse, drinking and smoking, often get all the attention. This project recognizes that teenagers must be aware of everyday life issues that affect their well-being. After researching and studying the foundations of physical and mental health, these ESL students prepare materials and present tips to their peers at health fairs and expos. As they share hints on healthier lifestyles, they welcome their own improved communication skills as well as sounder minds and bodies.

Active Exploration + Applied Learning + Adult Connections
Classroom Activities
Community Activities
Career Activities
Brainstorm health topics list.
Plan & assign tasks.
Use text & technology resources at School to Career Center to research health issues.
Create posters to hang in classrooms.
Prepare brochures on teen health issues.
Develop presentations for health expos, fairs & classes.
Create presentation boards & goodie bags for fair.
Invite school, younger students, community members & family to fair.
Distribute posters throughout school.
Meet with STC Health Education & Careers Network (HECN) & discuss plans for city wide Health Careers Expo.
Assist at citywide (STC HECN) Health Careers Expo.
Visit health classes at school & share tips & materials with other classmates.
Set up library for health fair.
Distribute passports & brochures & goodie bags at fair.
Answer health-related questions at fair & give guidance based on personal experiences.
Share reflections on teen health issues with family & friends.
Visit school Student Health Center & learn about available programs.
Invite dental technician to discuss oral hygiene.
Interview psychologist on mental health & signs of depression.
Hold round table discussion on healthy foods with registered dietician.
Observe & interact with doctors, nutritionists & health care personnel at STC HECN Health Career Expo.
Observe & interact with personnel at Liberty Mutual Employee Health Center.
Participate in STC HECN Career Exploratory Programs.
Research & report on careers in Health Services.

Academic Rigor

Learning Standards English Language Arts
Use technology to obtain, use and present information effectively.
Understand and use the writing process effectively.
Make effective presentations.
Collaborate on projects that apply learning to educate others.
Obtain information from a variety of sources.
Engage in and facilitate group discussions.


Investigate at least one health career by writing to a source requesting information on that career.
Interpret at least 10 abbreviations used to identify health occupations workers.
Explain how diet, rest, exercise, good posture, and avoiding tobacco, alcohol and drugs contribute to good health.

School to Career Competencies

Communicate and understand ideas and information.
Collect, analyze and organize information.
Identify and solve problems.
Use technology.
Initiate and complete entire activities.
Act professionally.
Take responsibility for career and life choices.
Interact with others.
Understand all aspects of an industry.


Teacher and students review products and performance during weekly conferences. Peer evaluations critique presentations, display boards, and brochures. Health fair visitors provide feedback on their passports.

Software or Materials Used For technology: Printer, digital camera, Internet access, Microsoft Office. For literature: Teen Health the Natural Way by Yaakov Berman, 1995: Pitspotany Press; The UC Berkeley Wellness Self-Care Handbook: The Everyday Guide to Home Remedies by John Swartzberg and Sheldon Margen, 1998: Rebus Publishing.

Teacher Developed Materials Brainstorm guidelines, planning table, peer evaluations

Student Developed Materials Brochure on sleep, brochure on nutrition, passport for visitors, Web Sites list on health issues, documentary photos, posters, goodie bags for health fair visitors.

Web Sites See list.

Final Words Students who aspire to careers in the health field have an opportunity to research issues in depth and present their findings to their peers. Everyone learns valuable information on acquiring and maintaining good health habits.

Teacher Tip At the health fair, we distributed passports inviting guests who visited at least five booths to receive a goodie bag. Presenters awarded stickers to each visitor who stayed throughout their talks. This enlivened audience participation and interaction.

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