History Calendar Print
out twelve monthly pages celebrating Black
Leaders. Visit a day care center and present calendar
to children. Discuss each leader and encourage youngsters
to learn about them throughout the year.
of Heroes Identify local Black leaders who have
made a difference. Interview them and include their descriptions
in a Book
of Heroes. Distribute it at community meetings.
Rights Trace the chronology of Voting
Rights in Black History. Produce flyers encouraging voter
registration and distribute them throughout the community.
of Honor Learn how United States stamps reflect
Black History.
Agree on a deceased African American not currently represented
and create a design portraying your choice. Send proposal
to the United States Postal Service Citizens'
Stamp Advisory Committee.
Renaissance Research this remarkable period.
Illustrate posters of selected artists and writers. Display
them in school or local library.
Gold Read about the African American record of
Olympic stars. Record Public
Service Announcements about outstanding black athletes and
broadcast them during half time at local sports events.
Role Models Mentor youngsters by reading biographies
of distinguished Black Americans and making bookmarks
with quotations by these leaders. Visit a pediatric ward and
distribute markers to patients.
Attucks to Powell Research Black contributors to
our nation's military.
Invite African American veterans to class and discuss their
own combat and peacetime experiences. Pay tribute to them
by serving at a local veterans
Treasure Hunt
Take an interactive quiz on Black
History by exploring a Resource List. Go online to form
theses for essays on important aspects of African-American
Heritage everybody should know. Share essays with other classes
and send outstanding ones to the local newspaper.
Tolerance Discover the tolerance level of your
school community by surveying
classmates on attitudes about social groups. Graph results
and post them in a central display area.
Slam Read, rehearse, remember a selection of twentieth
century African
American poets. Invite community and family members to
a Poetry Reading at a local nursing home or senior center.